Bill Larkin NDE
Howard Storm NDE
Bill Wiese
Ian McCormack
Richard Cole
Joe's Hell Vision
John Lopez Visitation
Atheist Physician
Marine Shawn Weed
Tamara Laroux NDE

On November 23rd, 1998 Bill Wiese experienced something so horrifying it would continue to captivate the world for over a decade. Bill shares his terrifying experience as described in his book, "23 Minutes in Hell." This powerful message will change your life!

Questions answered are:
Isn't God mean for making hell?
What about the person in the remotest part of the jungle who never heard of Jesus?
Isn't preaching "hell" using scare tactics?
Where was God when the disaster (earthquake, hurricane, etc) struck?
Didn't Jesus preach love and acceptance?
Why are the demons themselves not in torment?
AND many more questions answered...